21. oktoobril kell 15–17 annab moeekspert Marina Skulskaya loengu järgmise aasta moetrendidest.

Marina Skulskaya kirjutab: "New season is about absolute freedom. One can imitate Shakespeare – dandy or Bowie – mod. Change coquettish dresses adorned with bows to look like Madame de Pompadour for striking transparent gowns a la Mae West. Be a peasant in the morning and a belle époque lady in the evening. Fashion allows us to mix skirts with trousers, kimono with qipao, velvet with leather and embroidered to the nines Haute Couture pieces with a common sweater. Designers violate all the rules ever exited and are happy like kids. So should we be!"

Loeng on inglise keeles ning toimub loomemajanduskeskuse saalis (Kalevi 17).

Osalemine: tudengitele ja õpilastele 6 eurot, teistele huvilistele 12 eurot.

Osalemiseks palume registreeruda: https://goo.gl/forms/7lU0TqSI2jRt7eTi1

Lisainfo: Tartu Loomemajanduskeskuse ettevõtluskonsultant Liis Pärtelpoeg, tel 5648 0065, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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