Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (LMK) is a creative industries development centre and business incubator. Both start-ups of creative industries and active companies wishing to update their business plan or bring new products and services to the market are welcome to join the incubation programme of Tartu Centre for Creative Industries. For entrepreneurs who have entered the creative incubator, LMK provides support both in starting and developing their businesses. 

Who should apply? 

You start up or are active in the creative industries; 

You have a team and/or partners to realize your business ideas; 

You have the readiness to commit to developing your idea and succeeding as an entrepreneur; 

Your product or service could also have export potential. 

LMK incubation is expected to be applied for by legal persons who have a business idea and need a favorable environment and professional support services to start a business. Companies already in operation who want to make a leap forward or test a new business idea are also welcome. 

Support services for companies

The Centre for Creative Industries provides the following support services for companies of creative industries who have joined the incubation programme.

  • Each company will be provided with a business consultant by the LMK, who advises the company on various topics on an ongoing basis (on topics such as entrepreneurship, marketing, media communication, EAS measures, etc.). If necessary, group counselling is also possible with the participation of several consultants. 
  • Each company has the opportunity to receive mentoring advice either from a creative expert or from a business mentor and participate in entrepreneurial trainings and seminars. 
  • Rental of premises is offered on preferential terms. 
  • Joint marketing: 

Companies will be entitled to 

  • access to LMK marketing events to introduce guests to companies operating in LMK buildings; 
  • information about the company and its activities on both the LMK website and the social networks of the LMK (FB); 
  • LMK publications, media communication, participation in international collaboration projects.
  • participation in Tartu Business Week and the sTARTUp Day co-organized by the LMK; 
  • sectoral sales and marketing events (Estonian Fashion Festival, Tartu Young Art Auction and fairs); 
  • free use of the iPlanner environment in the development of your business plan. 
  • Additional services such as engagement of international mentors, covering of participation fees and transport costs for participation in relevant international events such as fairs will be provided for companies involved in the incubation programme.
  • Additional information about the relevant training opportunities and seminars, potentially useful networks, partners and clients will be offered by LMK.
  • Being involved in the incubation programme allows companies to be part of a network of like-minded creative entrepreneurs and participate in network events.
  • LMK functions as an attractive environment both for the entrepreneurs and their clients. 

Application form

Companies of creative industries registered in the Republic of Estonia that meet the following conditions may apply for incubation: 

  • It does not owe money to the Estonian Tax Agency;
  • It is not under liquidation or has not been declared bankrupt. 

Incubation fee is 50 + VAT per month.

Find the application form HERE

Further information:

Juta Kuhlberg

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