Tartu Centre for Creative Industries in participating in different international projects:


    Tartu Centre for Creative Industries invites attractive ideas and creative entrepreneurs to Creative Industry’s pitching competition @sTARTUp Day. Your chance to shine is just around the corner! You can apply for the competition if you have:a creative startup and you are looking for investorsa...

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  • Creative Industries Pitching Competition, sTARTUp Day 2024

    Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus kutsub osalema sTARTUp Dayl toimuvale Creative Industries Pitching Competition’ile. Võistlus leiab aset 26. jaanuaril  2024 kell 13-14 Tartus TÜ Spordihoones sTARTUp Dayl.Osaleda saavad ettevõtted või äriideed, mille arendamisel on loovusel või innovatiivsusel oluline roll...

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  • The Gift Design Hackathon of the Hack that Fashion project

      Tartu, Estonia, September 21-22, 2023 The Gift Design Hackathon was organized by the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries and held in Tartu Paranduskelder (Repair Cellar). 47 participants came together to work in teams. The participants were guided by top level mentors and experts from different...

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  • Upcycling Clothes and Mind

    Programme: Erasmus+ Partners:Lead partner: HochVier - Gesellschaft für politische und interkulturelle Bildung e.V, Germany Partners: uniT GmbH, Austria EcoLogic, The Republic of North Macedonia AMARELARTE, Portugal Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus, Estonia Project period: 01.03.2022-30.07.2024Project budget:...

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    Total budget:  250 000,00 € Duration:24 months, 01.05.2022 – 30.04.2024 Lead partner:  Envolve Entrepreneurship (Greece) Partners: Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Estonia), Istituto Europeo di Design (Spain) HackThatFashion project the project aims to provide the fashion companies and...

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    Total budget: 22 800€ Duration:4 months, 01.01 – 30.04.2023 Lead partner:  Estonian Film Institute Partners: Tartu Centre for Creative Industries  The overall aim of the project is to become familiar with green policy strategies and their practical implementation in film production in the Nordic...

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    Total budget: 1 397 000€ Duration: 36 months, 01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026 Lead partner: STARTcentrum Social Impact (SE) Partners: Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (EST), Impact Hub (LV) Project goal is to empower entrepreneurship and leadership among girls in the ages of 18-25. With this...

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  • Art­work – a bet­ter fu­ture for all through cre­ativ­ity

    Project period: 01/2022-06/2023 Partners: uniT GmbH (Austria) (coordinator) Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB) (Germany) Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (TCCI) (Estonia) MHT CONSULT APS (Denmark) Financed by Erasmus+ programme   ARTWORK aims to expand the field of work for...

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  • Increasing the awareness and skills of Ukraine SMEs and creative companies in the area of ​​web marketing and sales

    The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge and skills of Ukrainian small and micro-enterprises, young people interested in entrepreneurship, start-ups and creative entrepreneurs in the use of business-friendly online environments and increasing the marketing and export competencies of...

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  • Going Global Georgia 2

    Project aim is to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals in Georgia aspiring to sell on global markets using online environments.  During the project, online trainings are delivered by Estonian...

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  • Loomehäkaton "Tulevikumood"

    Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus ja Tartu Ärinõuandla kutsuvad kaasa mõtlema moe ja tekstiili tuleviku teemadel loomehäkatonil Tulevikumood, mis toimub 18. ja 19. märtsil SPARK Demo keskuses (Narva mnt. 3, Tartu). Ootame häkatonile: MOE, IT, MÄNGUNDUSE ja TEHNOLOOGIA huvidega inimesi Eelnevad kogemused...

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    Tartu Centre for Creative Industries is a proud hub film in South Estonia. As a runner of Tartu Film Fund that aims to boost entrepreneurial creativity in the region, bring investments to Tartu County, encourage the production of professional audiovisual works and promote international...

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  • Landscapes and Bodies

          .   Landscapes and Bodies, directed by Daniel Kötter Landscapes and Bodies is a five-part performance series dedicated to the political, social and ecological consequences of global underground and open-cast mining. The final part with the title Oil-Shale is going to be produced in Estonia.  The...

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  • Baltic-Nordic Community arts network (Nov 2020 - Oct 2021)

    The Baltic-Nordic Community Arts network has been developed by Culturelab (Latvia), Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (Estonia) and Virserums Konsthall (Sweden). At the core of the new network are two Baltic organizations with the experience of providing trainings for cultural managers and...

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  • Going Global Georgia (1.01 to 31.12.2021)

    Going Global Georgia is an international project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial knowledge and competencies of small and micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship teachers and young professionals aspiring to sell on global markets via use of online environments. During the project, online...

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  • 2020 - 2022 The project of The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 “BE The Future”

      Project name: BE The Future Programme: The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 Project summary The main objective of the project BE the Future, aimed at young females from Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, is to raise awareness of self-employment as a career option, create a positive attitude towards...

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  • Executive summary of Study "Development Cycle of Small and Micro Creative Enterprises

    First Phase Report. Tallinn University Estonian Institute for Futures Studies, 2011 Read more (PDF)

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  • Urban Creative Poles

    Urban Creative Poles is uniting five medium sized cities around the Baltic Sea. The project is part of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union. ...

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  • Local Artist for Regional Development

    Local Artist for Regional Development is cross-border project that aims at developing the cities of Tartu (EST) and Cesis (LV) by involving artistic activities in community life. The project is running under the roof of the Estonia - Latvia Programme....

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  • Innovative Cluster of Creative Industries

    The objective of the Tartu Centre for Creative Industries is to become the coordinating and developing unit of creative industries not only in Tartu but the whole region (South Estonia), and we have already established good contacts with cultural entrepreneurs, institutions and businesses active in the...

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  • Contact Seminar 2010

    Nordic- Baltic Contact seminar for organisations active in the field of creative industries and creative economy June 16 – 19, 2010 in Tartu, Estonia Objectives of the seminar: 1.        Create contacts and networks between organisations active in the field of creative industries and creative economy in...

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