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The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge and skills of Ukrainian small and micro-enterprises, young people interested in entrepreneurship, start-ups and creative entrepreneurs in the use of business-friendly online environments and increasing the marketing and export competencies of companies.

Within the project, Estonian trainers offer online trainings that provide basic knowledge on various social media and online marketing channels and platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google, Amazon ja Etsy). Tartu Creative Economy Center advises the Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the development of support systems for creative entrepreneurs. Ukrainian delegation of entrepreneurs will  also visit Tallinn and Tartu in order to get an overview of the creative sector ecosystem in Estonia and to make new contacts.

Estonian trainers are: Juko-Mart Kõlar (introduction to entrepreneurship), Jaan Kruusma (Facebook and Instagram), Annika Roosmann (Google ADS), Indrek Põldvee (LinkedIn), Victoria Silber (Etsy), Mihkel Moosel (Amazon) and Tiit Elenurm (EU Free Trade Agreement).

Project funding: the project is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Program

Project period: 1.11.2021 – 31.10.2023

Project budget: € 134 239

Project partners: the Lead partner of the project is Tartu Centre for Creative Industries, the Ukrainian partner is the Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry

tartu linnregionaalarengu fond