Total budget: 1 397 000€
Duration: 36 months, 01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026
Lead partner: STARTcentrum Social Impact (SE)
Partners: Tartu Centre for Creative Industries (EST), Impact Hub (LV)

Project goal is to empower entrepreneurship and leadership among girls in the ages of 18-25. With this project partners want to encourage young women to test their ideas in an early age and see entrepreneurship as a potential path forward. The project will create an environment where young female entrepreneurs can learn more about entrepreneurship and international business, build a network with other entrepreneurs from central Baltic regions.  The project is divided into three cycles over 36 months, each cycle including workshops and mentoring for 75 female entrepreneurs (25 from each country).

More information: and on Facebook

Application form: 

Contact: Mari Peetsalu, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Project is cofinanced by Central Baltic program,

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